
URI Decomposer

At work, we build our client websites upon a framework uses a lot of GET parameters. It makes for some URIs that average, oh, about three feet in length. Examining some of those monsters can make your eyes cross if you ever need to verify some parameter values in the query string, so I decided it was time for a little tool that would break up the URI into its constituent parts for me, instead of wading wearily though the whole URI myself. Google has a JavaScript URI object that does most of the heavy lifting already. I just had to add code to break up the query string into the individual key-value pairs.

Hence the URI Decomposer was born. You’ll find it among the items on the Tools page (few as they are as of this writing).


Don’t Let A Spec Pick Your Button Type

Ever need to create a <button> of type button when you’re doing a little DOM scripting? Easy enough, right? It should go something like this:

var okButton = document.createElement('button');
okButton.type = 'button';

Nevertheless when you run this code in IE6, you get the super-informative “Communication error” message. It turns out that IE6 (for once) is following the standard. I don’t know what the W3C were thinking, but so sayeth the ECMAScript Language Binding (9 January 2003) spec about the type property of the HTMLButtonElement:

This read-only property is a String.

So, the common way to set the property of an HTML element is, according to the standard, right out? I mean, it’s not inconceivable that I would want to create a <button> on the fly with a type that is not the default.

Alas there is a workaround. Ironically, it employs the standard method of setting DOM Node‘s attribute value:

var okButton = document.createElement('button');
okButton.setAttribute('type', 'button');

Works like a charm! Even in IE6.

(I should note that Firefox 3 allows for writing to the button’s type property using the button.type notation. I didn’t test with other browsers to see whether they balk at the button.type notation, but Firefox 2/3, Opera 9.6, and Safari 3, along with IE6/7, are more than amenable to the setAttribute method.)